
TÜV NORD (North)

TÜV NORD Mobilität GmbH & Co. KG
Am Tüv 1
30519 Hannover /Döhren
phone: 0511 986 - 0
Fax: 0511 986 - 1237
E-Mail :

You can reach the TÜV using the public transport system, taking city train #2, 8, 18 coming from the central station (Hauptbahnhof) or Kröpcke. The station is called Bothmerstraße. Then you have to take the Garkenburgerstraße, followed by the Thurnithistraße and Am TÜV.

Examination fees (including the VAT):
Class B license:
Theoretical examination on the computer*: 24,99 €
Practical examination: 129,83 €

Class BE license:
Practical examination: 129,83 €
* in German or in one of 12 other languages

Additional languages:
English, Turkish, Polish, Russian, French, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Portuguese, Romanian and Croatian, Arabic
Payment options:
Since 2011, paying the TÜV fee in cash is only possible in exceptional cases.
So please make sure you transfer the fee in time.
You will have to pay the TÜV fee for the theoretical and practical examinations by bank transfer, onto the following account. You must pay at least two weeks before the exam.

Bank account:
Recipient: TÜV NORD Mobilität GmbH & Co. KG
Bank: Deutsche Postbank AG, Hannover
IBAN: DE43 2501 0030 0100 0003 09
Additional fees:
Theoretical examination on the computer in German with audio support: --,-- €
Theoretical examination on the computer in foreign languages with audio support: --,-- €
Single examination in German with audio support / sign language interpreter: 143,75 €
Single examination in foreign languages with audio support: ---,-- €
Changing driving schools / premature repetition: --,-- €
Abolition of automatic mode limitations for class B licenses: 106,27 €
Partial repetition of a class BE examination:
Test drive with basic exercises: 106,74 €
Connection and disconnection of vehicles: 23,09 €

Information provided by TÜV NORD
State January, 31, 2024.
All prices include 19% VAT.
May contain errors.